Cyber Liability & Data Breach Insurance

In your business, you will have ACCESS to the public’s personal information when transacting. Unfortunately, hackers and other criminal enterprises may attempt to FIND a way to get the same access as well. Cyber and privacy policies cover a business' liability for a data breach in which your customers' information, such as Social Security or credit card numbers, are EXPOSED or stolen by a hacker who GAINED access to your company’s electronic network.

The top most expensive exposures of cyber theft and data breach are:

Catastrophic Management Expense – associated with public relations damage control when you have lost information due to a breach

Defense Expense – lawsuits that arise from customers/employees that feel you were at fault for the breach due to ineffective system security

Notice of Loss Expense – the cost associated with sending letters to clients and/or employees who have had their information stolen – required by most states

Credit Monitoring Expense – you may be required to pay credit bureaus to monitor someone’s credit that was compromised – usually cost is $30-$60 per person

Forensic & Investigation Expense – to pay investigation experts to determine how your network was hacked and data SEIZED

Get this essential coverage now!

Don’t allow these hackers to simply infiltrate your systems and leave your company exposed and held liable. Transfer that risk to a top notch insurance company obtained only through Robust Financial, Inc!

Contact US for a free, no OBLIGATION insurance evaluation. Our staff will have the answers needed to protect your interest!

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